History 2 1179 - 1856
This category His2 succeeds our His1 page which runs through the various archaeological periods and excavations from Mesolithic through to Anglian times then historically through what one describes as the early Medieval period to the arrival of the Cospatricks, Earls of Northumberland in 1072 who were to become, within a century, with Patrick, the Earls of Dunbar.
This second section of our history pages "runs" chronologically, looking backwards, from those heady Victorian times, post Crimean War to "time immemorial", an arbitrary (but convenient time for ourselves just after the first crusade and a fine dividing point) date immediately prior to the reign of Richard I (Coeur de Lion) in England and mid-way through William (The Lion) period as king north of the ever-changing border. Featuring the development, vicissitudes, and anecdotes from the vestiges of Barre's fort to the shaping of a royal Burgh in mid-Victorian times.
In His2 we will rely quite heavily on the history of Dunbar contained in the book "East Lothian" by Charles E Green (1907) as our historical reference but other authoritative and authentic material will be utilised when and as necessary. Where there might be a conflicting and somewhat different view - remembering history is generally the victors' view point - we will feature when possible alternative accounts and comptrollers' observations.
Also included will be battles both on land and at sea, attacks, sieges and all manner of events which helped shape the landscape both fundamentally and metaphorically of our quite historic town.
- An Earthenware Pot found in a Dunbar Grave
- Extracts from the book "East Lothian" by Charles E. Green covering Dunbar
- Interspersed with articles by R Weatherhead concerning Dunbar Castle
- The Old Harbours of Dunbar by Angus Graham
- The Royal Burgh and Earldom Charters - Translation by Ross Laidlaw
- Descriptions of the Burgh Boundaries from 1556 and 1817
- D Anderson translation of the Burgh Boundaries Descriptions

(R Weatherhead)

Comptrollers- Note
Once again we are indebted to our former Principal Science teacher Rennie Weatherhead for the information and photographs succeeding this footnote. Mr Weatherhead seems to be able to visualise both the seaward & more importantly the landward perspectives of his desired subjects and somehow shed light spiritually, physically & metaphorically on them. Even though they seem to be lost in the mists of time in a bygone era.