West Barns Home Guard at the rear of West Barns Hall
Back Row L-R:- Udd Fender, Bill Smith, 3?, 4?, 5?, Kit Tait.
Middle Row L-R:- 1?, Bert Lunam, Dod King, Ecky Preston, 5?, Tommy Darling, Auld Kit Tait, Henry Lunam, Peter Aitchison.
Front Row L-R:- Willie Bell, Ernie (Dixie) West, Todd Dawson, Jimmy Sked (Sgt), Cecil Smith (Lieut), Davy Lees, Jimmy Deans, Andrew Paxton, 9?, Bobby Chisholm, Dick Preston
Barracks - Soldiers Fancy Dress Competition - 1930
Barracks Hospital - December 1916
Reverse side of above
Barracks Hospital - February 1917, built some time after the Barracks Depot and made of Fifestone
Reverse side of above
Barracks Hospital Entrance - February 28 1917
Dr Duncan MacDonald, centre rear row
Sister Violet Fraser (possibly), centre middle row
On the right of Dr MacDonald is a Barracks Orderly of Dragoons/Scots Greys/Hussars (Uniform cap).
Reverse side of above
Belhaven Crossroads and Toll House
Boating Pond and Paddling Pool - 1934
Davy Lees - Coop Milkman
Dunbar Gala Day - July 1929
Reverse side of above
Possibly East Beach, early paddle board - 1936
Possibly East Beach - Bicycle Boat - 1936
East Beach - Stormy Day
Possibly East Promenade - Old style pram c1927-30
Eva at Dunbar Swimming Pool - 1923, "Queen of the Bathing Belles"
Reverse side of above
Dunbar High Street Postcard
Junction of High Street and West Port - Easter 1930
Lauderdale Park
Lifeboat Rescue, possibly a practice exercise
More of the lifeboat rescue
Dunbar Lifeboat - 1936
Swimming Pool Postcard - 1923
Reverse side of above
Swimming Pool view
Another Swimming Pool view - 1913
Swimming Pool - Lady members of Dunbar Amateur Swimming Club (DASC on costume badge)
Swimming Pool - Ladies Only? Some Gentlemen admirers at the rear
West Barns Farm - Horse dressed for a show
West Barns from Battleblent House - c1905
West Barns Village - c1905
West Barns Primary School First Year - May 1956