Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th March 2025

Quiz Number 179

A. What was the occupation of the late classic’s teacher J.I.W. "Jack" Milne’s father?

B. When did Sinclair sell the lands of Lochend to the Warrender Family?

C. Where did the Secondary School laddies play their compulsory fitba in late '30s?

D. Who was Deputy Heedie under Hugh Cowan?

E.(i) Why was the now-demolished even-numbered part of the original Shore Street sometimes called Change Lane?

  (ii) Which other names were ascribed to this thoroughfare?

Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th February 2025

Quiz Number 178

Dunbar United XI & officials, training at Gasworks/Sailors Park. Photo courtesy of R W Hendrie

A. When was "The Gasworks" pitch on Sailors Park first used for Football/Rugby?

a) From the early to mid-1950s.

B. Where on our once proud High Street were there Poors’ House Closes?

a) i) Behind Hurrys (now Graze) and what was Aitkens Chemists. (There certainly was one in this location. The area was subsequently heavily developed by W. A. Gillespie, including a house for Jimmy Hughes in exchange for his property at Cromwell House).

    ii) Ahint the ex-Bank of Scotland building (Craigs Fish Shop and Penneys). (At least that was a possible location of a Poors' House Close).

C. Which year saw The Breezy Burgh's population numbering 3751?

a) 1931.

D. Who was responsible for returning Dunbar Grammar School’s Hockey pitch to earth and creating a Car Park?

a) David J Baillie, subcontracted from Wimpey in 2001.

E. Why were the premises at 112 High Street, in living Memory, named "Erinalls"?

a) The owner was one Erin Aaron Deane who bought the shop and two attendant flats from Rebecca Hilda Hunter or MacDonald (widow living at Hildaville on Countess Road), in the early 30s. Erin was the uncle of David Dean one-time manager of The Palace of Pleasure.

Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th January 2025

Quiz Number 177

A. What was the significance of the above Columbia Records Number 1 booming out on the East Beach Esplanade at The Palace of Pleasure on Friday 20th October 1961?

a) The tune above, penned by Schroeder and Hawker, was No.1 from 19th October 1961 for three weeks. For the Herber Bairns heading along the Bank End/Lamer street (this tune was played to death for all and sundry) and passing here after 35 years of austerity and two tyrannical dominies at the Auld Skill "The walk of happiness" heading home was over. It was back tae skill, on Wednesday after mid-term break to a new but fairer regime at the new-build school by Crudens (£285,000s worth) on The Sailors Park!

B. Which family took over from David Deans at the above major strand-side draw?

a) In 1965 Harold Houghton was ably assisted by his Father, his Wife, his Son Richard and Daughter Lavinia. Harold’s father was actually the owner.

C. When were there nine schools in this quoad civilia pairish which accommodated 1,210 scholars in total (one of them, with enlargements for 475, was new)?

a) 1880/81.

D. Where in our Pairish Kirkyaird did a son erect a tombstone “In Memory” of his mother?

a) Atop Lair A214.

E. Who was responsible for its emplacement?

a) Thomas Kennedy, a serjeant (sic) in the Royal Artillery. NB - Thomas's sister Helen and her daughter Jannet are assumedly buried there also. Helen inherited the Meal Shop (now John Muir House) from their mum and the rest as they say is history (or mystery). Please see earlier quiz of 13th August 2021 Question E for far more detail!

Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th December 2024

Quiz Number 176

A. When was the existence of Spott’s Girnel first recorded?

a) aka McArthur’s Store, it was first noted in 1656, although some modernisation took place fae time to time.

B. Where did Jimmy Lindsay, oor golfing Legend/Facilitator move to, after his birth in West Barns on November the 27th in 1885?

a) Drem. His father, Joseph, was born at the Old Mill, Coldingham in Berwickshire and his first stop was Duns then West Barns and after Drem it was Gullane where the family lived at 6 Hopetoun Terrace. Jimmy got a start as an apprentice plumber in North Berwick. Not long after that he emigrated and soon he was taken on as First Pro at the Oneonta C.C. at Rye in New York State where he capably assisted Amateur Champion Walter J Travis lay out The Westchester C.C. In those distant days the Scots Pros either wintered in Florida or came hame, which he did, and by then his parents had moved fae Aberlady to Broxmouth Sea Lodge, just outside Dunbar. In 1923 he recruited Dave Lumsden (Cairns) of Dunbar for the Pro's post at nearby Brookwood and tae cut a long story short he retired to St Andrews in 1931 after lowsing at Oak Park in 1928.

C. Which was the first football team in the Dunbar area?

a) Beltonford FC, second in the County after Aberlady.

D. Who captained Dunbar United through their Junior Cup winning season?

a) Adam Rae.

E. Who, born in a farmhouse near here in 1900, became a renowned plant botanist?

a) James Wyllie Gregor, born at Innerwick Farm on January 14th 1900, the younger of twins by 15 minutes. He died on 30th September 1980. James was fortunate to be educated at St Mary's School, Melrose and Edinburgh Academy. His twin brother David Clunie Gregor died at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary on 13th June 1965. The fermin’ was left to his elder (just) sibling! James W Gregor served in the Royal Flying Corps from 1917 through 1919 then further education followed at the East of Scotland Agricultural College, followed by a PhD at Edinburgh University! He began work at the Scottish Plant Breeding Station in 1924 rising to Director in 1929. James was elected as a fellow of the Linnean Society and gained a second Doctorate in 1939 with his research on experimental taxonomy (The first was on the pollination of some grasses) He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1977 and awarded a CBE in 1961. In later life he lived at The Old Mill House, Lanark Road, Balerno and died at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary in 1980.

Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th November 2024

Quiz Number 175

A. What were the names of the first three Owner Hotel-keepers of The Railway Hotel now Dolphin Inn?

a) John Ronaldson (1930-34), Walter Hughes (1934-39) then J G Forsyth (1939-75) and from 1900 the Tenant Hotel-keepers were:- Willam Mayne (1900-1912) and two Beatties:- Jake (1912-28) and James (1928-30).

B. When was it decided to build shelters on the East Links Golf Course?

a) In August 1931 three shelters were ordered from Manderson of Woodbush. These were of corrugated iron and ran to a cost of £3-15s each. Please note apropos “The Big/Brig Burn”, concrete blocks were emplaced within a month, (featuring as stepping-stones) by the hand of Denholm Builder at Brocks/Spott's mouth.

C. Where were the above about to be erected?

a) A shelter, using an old sentry box from the Burgh Road Authorities, was arranged for the burn attendant and to supplement this, the three further shelters were emplaced by the burn at the 6th hole, on the East side of the Vaults and at the ruined sheepfold at "The Geographical turn" no far fae the now 11th tee.

D. Which teachers were nicknamed Bruiser, Foxy, Gabby Aggie, Gandhi and Maggie Meeks at Dunbar Secondary/Grammar?

a) David Drever (later also named Dada), Frank Rayner, Mrs A. Mitchell, D McVicar and Ms M. Macdonald.

E. Who preceded Jock Nicholson as head man at Winterfield Golf Course?

a) Jim Byers.

Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th October 2024

Quiz Number 174

A. What do the Roman numerals MDCCCXXIII inscribed on the base of the right-hand column ball finial at the former estate gates, adjacent to Lochend Cottages, signify ?

a) They mark the year (1823) esteemed Architect, William Burn, recast the former mansion grounds. Subsequently, kitchen and offices were added in 1851.

B. When did the Old School at Woodbush close its doors as a Secondary/Grammar School?

a) Friday, 20th October 1961.

C. Which constituency seat in England was held by a Gentlemen with historic Breezy Burgh links?

a) Grantham in Lincolnshire was held by Sir Victor Alexander George Anthony Warrender, 1st Baron Bruntisfield and 8th Baron Lochend, from 1923 to 1942.

D. Who graced the heavy-duty boards at our ex-Army Gym in Summer '66?

a) The Mindbenders* on Sunday the 10th of June 1966 - Not long after, just a month or so later, their former frontman was also here!

E. Why was the 13th Hole on the pre-1900 Dunbar East Links Golf Course named "Ginger Beer"?

a) The Henderson family served refreshments from their homes at The Vowt and then Strand House.

*Footnote – Wayne Fontana, born G. G. Ellis,  founded the band in June '63 having previously ran a group called Wayne Fontana and The Jets (from July '62). The inspiration for the group's name came from the 1963 film "The Mind Benders", Basil Dearden's eminently watchable film starring pretty Scotswoman Mary Ure and Dirk Bogarde. The rest of the Manchester band comprised Eric Stewart – Guitar and Vocals, Bob Land – Bass and Rick Rothwell - Drums. Dissatisfaction between singer Wayne Fontana and the rest of the group eventually set in and by early '66 Fontana left. Unexpectedly, the new trio fared the better of the two parties! Their first single "Groovy Kind of Love" reached Number 2 on both sides of “The Pond” and the follow-up  "Can't Live Without You : Can't Live With You " was a minor hit then "Ashes to Ashes" hit the charts. The rest of their singles and two albums  went un-heralded. Rothwell left the band in '68 (for antiques), Bob Land  left “the business” for several years and re-emerged with Racing Cars, and Eric Stewart concentrated and immersed himself in session work then Hotlegs and 10 CC!

Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th September 2024

Quiz Number 173

A. What was the opening hole on Dunbar's East Links Golf Course in the 1890s called?

a) "Sea", which was a bogey 4, over 100 yards shorter but in the same direction as today’s 4th (Shore). In the early days there were nae holes inside the original Park (Deer) now we have 18, 1, 2 and 3. "Sea" was followed by "Little (now Paddy) Burn”, "Broxburn" and "Tower" (Sloebiggin Tower, in the distance).

B. When were there major fires at Belhaven Brewery ?

a) In 1814 and 1877.

C. Where was there a Gig-house associated with more of a mansion on the High Street?

a) In the grounds of Barnlea, ex-Cornbank, at 11 High Street. (It was a Gig-house for horse carriages etc. not a Gig-shed which was for vessel storage!)

D. 1. Which building, not near the centre of town, has "A small ogee-roofed turret"?

a) Knock-en-Hair.

    2. Which residence was described as "A notable building, erected towards the end of the 18thC, of Dark Stone and with an Ionic portico?

a) Port Lodge at 7 High Street.

E. Who trod the boards and entertained a near-record crowd of nine hundred at oor Victoria Ballroom in Spring '76?

a) "Glamrockers" Bilbo (Baggins) appeared here on Friday 23rd of April 1976.

Bilbo aka Bilbo Baggins

The band took their name from a character in one of John R R Tolkein's tomes. They were formed in The Scottish Capital in November '72. Initially a support band for the Bay City Rollèrs, both of the outfits were managed by "Mr Controversy" one Tam Paton. Founding members incl. Dev, Colin, Brian, Fid and Tosh and they played many gigs through the UK. (James) Dev (Devlin) Bass and Backing Vocals, Colin (Chisholm) Lead Vocals, Brian (Spence) Guitar and Keyboards, (Gordon) Fid (Liddle) Skins and Backing Vocals and (Gordon) Tosh (McIntosh) Bass Guitar and Backing Vocals. Singles include Saturday Night, The Sha Na Na Song, Hold Me, Back Home, It’s A Shame, I Can Feel Mad She’s Gonna Win, Don’t Blame Me and America.

Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th August 2024

Quiz Number 172

A. What is the connection with this late 60s song and our much-remembered harbourside venue?

a) In the late Summer of '67, actually on Friday the 7th of July, Jimmy James and The Vagabonds came to the Breezy Burgh's Victoria 'Hall' after their concert at McGoos* in the Capital. Jimmy (real name Michael) was born on 13/9/1940 in Browns Town, Jamaica and died recently on 14/5/2024 in Harrow. He grew up in Kingston where he solo-recorded “Come to me Softly” with some success such that he gave up his job working for the Inland Revenue. J.J. teamed up with The Vagabonds in 1960 and by 1964 they sought success in the UK. They were one of the first outfits to record Jamaican Ska in the UK.

B. When was Dunbar Rover, not the ubiquitous dug but actually a potato variety, introduced to oor denner table?

a) In 1936 by farmer Charles T Spence of Tynefield.

C. In which year did Sir James Baillie acquire the Lands (and more) of Lochend ?

a) On the 25th July 1620.

D. Who did he acquire the said Lands from?

a) The Viscount of Lauderdale - Lord Thirlestane.

E. Who were the two witnesses when the Lands were disponed from Sinclair to Warrender?

a) Thomas Pringle and William Robertson.

*Footnote - McGoos, formerly the Palace Cinema, was located at 18-20 High St. in the Capital. It boasted of having hosted a number of top bands e.g. Cream, The Small Faces and Spencer Davis. The venue existence was short-lived, only lasting through 1966 and 1967, run by the Croalla Family.

Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th July 2024

Quiz Number 171

A. What hole on a Dunbar Golf Course had a green that was only seven feet in circumference?

a) Starting strangely with a sandy stance - short by even the windy Wolfsgrave's wiles - within Hedderwick's inward half, one required nae mair than a foozle to reach "Island's" green.

B. When was the Great Fire of East Barns?

a) March 1st, 1727.

C. Where were a number of Dunbar's Dairies in the not-too-distant past?

a) Buttercup (NW High St), Co-operative (NW High St), Cowans (NE High St), Renton (West Port), Summerfield (as the name suggests) and Silver Street.

D. Who, as burgh surveyor, oversaw the building of The New (Countess) Road, Sinton's flats, other NE High St development and much more throughout the 1920s/30s?

a) Duncan A Murdoch.

E. Who, a local heroine who gave pleasure to many, was institutionalised in the last quarter of 19thC?

a) Catherine 'Katie' Miller Mitchell. She was admitted in 1883 and released in 1888.

Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th June 2024

Quiz Number 170

A. What was the location called the "Keyhole" formerly described as?

a) Provost Robert Fall's Tunnel - on the shoreside of Tarry Ship, a passageway from Bayswell towards the site of the former Swimming Pool.

B. When did Thomas the Rhymer visit Dunbar Castle?

a) July 8th 1249, the day before Alexander II died on Kerrera Island (off Oban).

C. Where was the Ancient Order of Foresters Hall?

a) Built between 1775-1778, it was on the west side of Castle St., a few hundred yards north from the junction with Silver St., Church St. and Coffin (now Colvin) Street.

D. Which members of 60’s local group Bobby and the Kascades lived in Dunbar?

a) Robert McIntyre.

E. Who backed the US Rock 'n' Roller above when he appeared here on the 16th of May 1964?

a) The Shouts, a quintet of Scousers who backed Vincent on Tours of Britain. Members were:- Tim Bates - Vocals & Lead Guitar, John Reece - Vocals & Bass Guitar, Jem Field - Vocals & Sax, Eric Baker - Keyboard and Victor Clark - Drums.

Additionally, on the card that evening were The Cruisers, who were also there on the Vic Opening Night. The Cruisers evolved into Fayne and the Cruisers. They were an Edinburgh band – not one of the city’s best – from 1963, comprising:- Alan Laing – Vocals, Colin Hepburn – Keyboard, Roy Martin – Bass, Eric Wales – Guitar and Andy Munro – Drums.

Daly's Corner Quiz

Original & Best

13th May 2024

Quiz Number 169

A. What was the name of the hamlet featured in the photograph above?

a) Sloebiggin, a hamlet near Dunbar. Pictured are John Henderson (30/7/1890 - 1973), his mother (seated) Jemima Henderson, nee Bathgate (19/8/1864 - 23/1/1954) and his wife Mary Jane Baillie Henderson, nee Stoddart (1882 - 11/8/1957). An observation tower was erected here in the mid-1850s.

B. When, much to one's and many others’ chagrin, was full school uniform reintroduced at Dunbar Grammar School?

a) August 1965 at the beginning of school year.

C. Where was the "Gunsgreen" parcel of land in Dunbar of old?

a) On the now Summerfield Road (old boundary) side of Sailor’s Park, stretching north as far as to embrace the 1961 Cruden school building and to the south half-way across the former hockey pitch, now a staff car park, down towards Lammermuir Crescent.

D. Who was the mother of John Wallace, British Consul at Bergen in Norway?

a) Mary Wallace, nee Fall, daughter of John Fall, a former Dunbar shipmaster.

E. Why was one of Jimmy Bain's quite early bands named Grant Hardy?

a) When the flickering flames for the first founding of "The Embers" finally faded ex-members Jimmy Cruikshank and Peter Bottomley approached Crusading guitarist Frank Connor to form a new band with master skinsman Alan Pratt joining also. Over the road from Frank's hoose a wine merchant sold Grants whisky and when a Hardy's removal van passed his window the Grant Hardy band was duly named. Jimmy Bain joined the crew slightly later but the ensemble only lasted a few months.