Photograph Gallery
Our Schools' photographic display is divided into three sections:-
i Primary (1) East Barns, (2) West Barns, (3) Innerwick (4) Oldhamstocks (5) Spott (6) Whittinghame (7) Dunbar
ii Dunbar Secondary School - subsequently Dunbar Grammar School
iii Staff
Photographic images are posted on our site, in chronological order* and with at least 90% of the pupils/staff named.
* Apropos the dating ascribed to the photos in general and for simplicity we have used the 2nd half of the school year. e.g. a class photograph of year 1960/61 would be dated 1961- when in effect they could have been taken any time from September 1960. NB - some class years are specifically stated.

West Barns Primary 1937/38
Top: Paddy Mill (Headmaster), Peter Aitchison, Jimmy Thomson, Bobby Stewart, Sandy Amos, Will Shiels, Johnny Preston and Willie Archibold.
Upper Middle: Nancy Lindsay, Ian Grant, Bobby Glasgow, Jackie McAll, Dave Aitchison. Billy O'Brian, Peter McCawley, ---- ----- and Mary Dores.
Middle: Effie Thorburn, Jean Scott, Nora McCawley, Margaret McMaster, Jenny Bell, Violet Dores, Jean Archibald and Annie Gilhooly.
Bottom: Dorothy Sinclair, Margaret Cullen, Pat McAll, Margaret Bell, M. Cathie.

Innerwick Primary School 1951/52 (Margaret)
Top: David Tear, Gordon Watson, Billy Thorburn, Denis Patterson and Tommy Ainslie.
Middle: John McFarlane ('Dinky'), David Thorburn, Sandy Millar, Kathleen Croal, Sheila Glass, Eileen Tindle, Joan Patterson, Billy Roy and Reggie Gibson.
Bottom: Sheila Denholm, Margaret Foggo, Eileen Christison, Dorothy Watson, Joan Denholm and ---- Welch.

Middle: George Patterson, Andrew Ritchie, Elizabeth Angus, Isobel Preston, ---- -----, Eileen Porteous, Maureen Foggo, Jennifer Higgins?, Olive Brodie, George Pearson and Jim Todd.
Bottom: Fiona Ritchie, Eileen Gutch, Muriel Higgins, ---- -----, Dorothy Heggie and Ingrid Pietsch.

Middle: Nancy Gutenswager, Isobel Sutherland, Dorothy Heggie, Joan Denholm, Irene Walker, Eileen Tindle, Margaret Foggo, Sheena Pietsch, Jeanette Robinson*, Sheila Glass and Margaret Brodie.
Bottom: Margaret Patterson, Elizabeth Tear, Irene Stewart, Dorothy Watson, Ann Denholm and ---- Dixon.
* Could be Robertson.

Upper Middle: Ann Denholm, Eileen Porteous, Christine Houliston, Betty McMillan, Nancy Gutenswager, Elspeth Catleugh, Maureen Foggo, Elizabeth Tear and Nancy Watson.
Middle: Helen Findlay, Ingrid Pietsch, Isobel Preston, Elizabeth Angus and Margaret Patterson.
Bottom: Billy Pearson, Andrew Watt, Kenneth Ness and Alan McMillan,

Middle: Steven MacKinnon, Marian Higgins, Brian McMillan, Ann Porteous, Fiona Ritchie, Christine Thompson, Helen Pearson, Cecilia Lugton, Joan Denholm, Tom Thorburn and Hamish Thorburn.
Bottom: Raymond Nicholson, Andrew MacKinnon, Alison Patterson, Aileen Gutch, Susan Marshall, ?, and David Brown

Upper Middle: Mabel Brodie, Irene Litherland, Olive Brodie, Marion Higgins, Marie Pietsch and Margaret Marshall.
Middle: Christine Thompson, Ann Porteous, Muriel Higgins, Cecilia Lugton, Helen Pearson and Ann Litherland.
Bottom: Willie Gutenswager, Tommy Foggo, ---- -----, Geoffrey Ness and George Patterson.

Middle: John Watson, David Thorburn, George Pearson, Peter Gutenschwager, Mark Beattie, Raymond Nicholson and Tommy Foggo.
Bottom: Muriel Higgins, Marie Pietsch, Margaret Marshall, Cecelia Lugton, Mabel Brodie, Anne Porteous, Ann Litherland, Christine Thomson, Helen Pearson and Irene Litherland.

Middle Row: Frances Newman, Linda MacDonald, Elizabeth Wilkinson, Rosemary Tulloch, Mary MacDonald, Margaret MacDonald.
Bottom Row: Drew Cowan, Susan Barker, Mrs Helen "Teacher" Thompson, Margaret Lunn, Allan Cowan.

Dunbar Grammar School Seniors Class 1915/16 (Stark*)
Mr Strachan Teachers Ms Purves
* Colin Stark is the fifth pupil from the left on the top row.

Five year old Laura Togneri - youngest pupil - presents Isabella Comrie a bouquet of flowers to mark her husband Andrew's retirement in September 1927. (Laura)

Dunbar Primary School P4 1930/31 (Laura)
Top: George Simpson, ---- -----, ---- -----, ---- -----, Jackie Smail, ---- -----, John McNie, ---- ----- and ---- -----.
Upper Middle: Robbie Smith, ---- -----, ---- -----, ---- -----, ---- -----, ---- -----, Jimmy Lally, ---- -----, Jackie Purves and James Burgoyne.
Middle: ---- -----, ---- -----, ---- -----, ---- -----, Andrew Gray, Willie Dixon, ---- -----, ---- -----, Billy Hutchison and Arthur Horsburgh.
Lower Middle: ---- Thompson, May Heinz, Jessie Stenhouse, ---- -----, Cathy Branch, Anabel Macauley, ---- -----, Gwen Day, ---- -----, Peggy Combe and Nancy Scott.
Bottom: Chrissy Hughes, Alice Cairns, Betty Borthwick, Barbara -----, Laura Togneri, Betty Moody, May Thomson, Lottie Brunton and ---- -----

Dunbar Primary School P5 1931/32 (Laura)
Top: Willie Dixon, Roland Craig, Jackie Purves, Albert Liddle, Jimmy Lally, Tom Smith, Walter Lough, ---- ----- and George Brunton.
Lower Top: Hugh White, Peter White, Melville Smith, Billy Hutchison, Albert Smail, Robbie Smith, Sandy Brown, Laurence McIntyre, ---- ----- and George Wood.
Upper Middle: Arthur Horsburgh, ---- -----, Betty Cunningham, Bruce Strachan, Johnny Darling and Alec Smith.
Middle: Grace Young, Rachel Robson, ---- -----, Laura Togneri, Lia Togneri, Betty Vassie, Winnie Hanton and Peggy Durie.
Lower Middle: Emily Wood, ---- -----, Isabella McKenzie, Katie Main, Caroline Winfield, Nellie Burgoyne, Jean Vassie and Isabella Herkes.
Bottom: May Punton, Lizzie Borthwick, Isa Brunton, ---- Main and Agnes Johnstone.

Dunbar Primary School P6 1932/33 (Laura)
Top: ---- -----, ---- -----, Alex Brown, Hugh Hutchison, ---- -----, Laurence McIntyre, George Brunton, Albert Liddle and ---- ----.
Upper Middle: Peter White, Billy Hutchison, Roland Craig, Jackie Purves, Ross Waddell, Johnny Darling, Will Dickson, Albert Lough and Alex Smith.
Middle: May West, Laura Togneri, Peggy Dann, May Punton, Betty Cunningham (or Crawford?), Isabelle McKenzie, Lizzy Borthwick, Katie Main and Peggy Smith.
Lower Middle: Winnie Hanton, Elma Copland, Caroline Winfield, Annabel MacAuley, Rachel Robson, Lia Togneri, Gwen Tong, Doreen Walker and Betty Vassie.
Bottom: Jimmy Lally, Arthur Horsburgh, Isabelle Brunton, Isabelle -----?, ---- Main, Agnes Johnstone, Hugh White and Melville Smith.

School Queen 1934
Top: Lia Togneri, Cathy Bryden and Netta Gentles.
Bottom: Peggy Durie, Laura Togneri, Ella Bowden and Jean Nimmo.
And School Queen Annabel MacAulay.

Dunbar Grammar School S1 1934/35 (Laura)
Top: Ross Waddell, Peter Fiskin, Jack Storie, ---- ----- and Peter Brotherstone.
Upper Middle: John Laing, Ian McKenzie, Jim Edgar, Alex Foggo, Graham Budge and Willy Murphy.
Middle: Rachel Robson, Lia Togneri, Annabel MacAuley, Helen Barnet, ---- -----, Peggy Smith and Betty MacDonald.
Bottom: Peggy Durie and Laura Togneri.

Dunbar Primary School P2A 1954-55
Back row: John Punton, Jimmy Gray, Alistair Koch , Robert McMinn , Ronnie Thomas, Jimmy Liddle,
---- ----, Gordon Laing, Robert Lunam, Andy Hendy , ---- ----, ---- ----.
Middle row: Tommy Darling, Gordon Easingwood , Ronnie Stoddart, William Amos, Billy Williams, Rob Brown, Ian Scott, George Ashton, ---- ----.
Front Row: Tommy Mackail, Barbara Jackson, Nancy Ritchie, Izzy Hannan, Lynn Brabban, Marina Budge, ---- ----, Kathleen Williamson, Linda Dickson, Patricia Smith, Ann Gall Gray, Robert Fairbairn.

Bottom: Muriel Higginbottom, Maureen Yorston, Fay Millar, Helen McKenzie, Alison Wallace, Evelyn Dores, Margaret Foggo and Ann Leckie.

Dunbar Primary School 1A 1958/59 (Elaine)
Top: G. Barson, M Amos, A Brunton, R Hendrie, M Campbell, A Thomson, L Horsburgh, R Pass and H Pass.
Middle: D Hay, G Smith, T Kay, W Tevendale, P Shanley, C Buglass, E Grieve, H Blanchard, B Peat, D White, D Swan and A Laing.
Bottom: E Tait, D Seales, ? Bryden, J Petrie, M Mulroy, M. Neil, E Black, P Alston, A Imrie and A White

Dunbar Primary School P2A 1958/59 (Ishbel)
Top: David Moffat, Robert Brunton, David Barbour, Johnny Blair, Kenny Borthwick, George Phillips, Alistair White, Peter Johnstone, Michael Obrzud, Miss Ishbel Peebles.
Middle: Kathleen Watson, Sheila Henderson, Lyn Horsburgh, Paul Greco, Jimmy Thomson, Michael Fallon, Thomas McMullen, Robin Aitken, Isabel Knox, Elizabeth Mawald, Anne Ritchie.
Bottom: Hazel Blair, Elaine Bradd, Rosemary Crow, Jacqueline Curran, Eileen Donaghy, Christine Glass, Linda Franks, Anne Herkes, Alison Punton, Irene Pirie.

Dunbar Primary School 2B 1958/59 (Jaci)
Top: Stewart Graham, Alan Johnstone, John Willens, Orland Sammels, Peter Nicol, Robert Brunton, Jim Easingwood, Robert Darling and Stewart Bonnar.
Middle: Marion Kerr, Ruth Blair, Marie Young, Jimmy Brunton, Robin Dixon, John Hutchison, Jackie Smith, Billy Wilson, Sheila MacNamara, Davina Lorimer, Mary Alston and Angela Herring.
Bottom: Christine McCale, Maureen Lorimer, Grace Paylor, Moira Sayer, Jaci Waite, Avril Johnstone, Christine Gaffney, Marlene Hampshire, Irene Hannan and Monica Carver.

Dunbar Primary School P7A (Qualifying) Aug '58 (THELMA)
(There were 5/6 intakes into Cruden's 57/58 extension onto Allan's build of 49/51)
FORM TEACHER: Miss Christina Glen Lawson Donaldson = Ena/Ina
TOP: Jimmy Bain, Kenny O'Donnell, David Rutherford, Billy Paterson, Graham Paterson, Willie Watson, Reggie Dyer, Alec Marr
UPPER MIDDLE: Wattie Butler, Tommy Hearn, Heather Fell, Alison Tevendale, Alice Glass, Christine Murray, Ally Robertson, Lloyd Togneri
LOWER MIDDLE: Margaret Darling, Davina Cathie, Greta Prince, Catherine Brunton, Marie Phillips, Janey Robertson. Helen Hannan, Joan Rutherford, Laura Corrieri
BOTTOM: Bruce Smith, Gordon Thomson, Jimmy Smith, Douglas Sinclair, Alec Brunton

Dunbar Grammar School ST3 1958/59 (Dougie)
Top: Ronnie Smith, David Tear, John Bathgate, David Spence, Graham Cunningham, Robin Wilkie and Ivy Hill.
Middle: William Smith, Reggie Gibson, Billy Christison, Tom McDonald, Ronnie Wood, Ian Smith, Christopher Koch and Paul Corieri
Bottom: Dougie Faulds, George Laing, Colin Kennedy, Gerald Wilson, Dennis Paterson and Charlie Carruthers.

Information :- Due to humorous elision/enjambement Lindsay's name was changed to Shona Doyle when she was a teenager.

Dunbar Primary School 3A 1961 (Elaine)
Top: Hugh Smith, Brian Peat, Ian Callow, Neil Wood, Lex Horsburgh, Willie Tevendale, Malcolm Campbell, ---- -----? and ----? Wakefield.
Middle: David Hay, Gordon Smith, Derek Shrive, Robert Hendrie, Robert Thomson, ----? Wakefield, Andrew Thomson, George Thomson, William Shrive and Alistair Laing.
Bottom: Pat Shanley, Elizabeth Tait, ---- -----?, Christine Buglass, Ann Imrie, Jennifer Petrie, Helen Blanchard, Alison White, Mary Mulroy, Mary Neil, Elaine Black, Diana Seales and Elaine Grieve.

Dunbar Primary School P4A 1960/61 (Billy)
Top: Keith McCandlish, Robert Brunton, Jimmy Thomson, Robin Aitken, Mike Fallon, Kenny Borthwick, David Moffat, Brian Cooper, David Barbour and Miss Ismay Johnson.
Middle: Mike Obrzud, Alistair White, Billy Turnbull, George Phillips, Liz Field, Hazel Blair, Jackie Curran, Sheila Henderson, Isobel Knox and Johnny Blair.
Bottom: Alison Punton, Elizabeth Mawald, Irene Pirie, Kath Watson, Ann Ritchie, Eileen Donaghy, Rosemary Crow, Lyn Horsburgh, Ann Herkes, Christine Glass, Elaine Bradd, Linda Franks and Noreen Gardner.

Dunbar Primary School P4B 1960/61 (Jaci)
Top: Alex McIntosh, Gerald Barson, Orlando Sammels, Peter Nicol, Robert Darling, Jackie Smith, Robin Dixon, Robert Brunton, John Hutchinson, Jim Easingwood, Alan Johnstone and John Willens.
Middle: ---- Emerson, Jaci Waite, Mary Alston, Ruth Blair, Billy Wilson, Graham Storer, Jimmy Brunton, Christine McCale, Sheila McNamara, Angela Herring, Grace Paylor and Miss Tait.
Bottom: ---- -----, Davina Lorrimer, Marion Kerr, Monica Carver, Christine Gaffney, Irene Hannan, Marlene Hampshire, Avril Johnson, Virginia Simpson, Lillian Bonnar, Moira Sayer and Maureen Lorrimer.

Dunbar Grammar School S1H 1960/61 (Mary)
Top: Ronnie Thomas, Dougie Sinclair, Kenny Miller and ---- McCue/McEwan.
Middle: Davie Knox, Ford Ferguson, Ronnie Stoddart, Tom Young, Davie McKechnie, Tommy Sandilands and ---- -----.
Bottom: Marna McClennan, Kathy Bain, Pat Smith, ---- -----, Fishy Wilson, Carol Young, Olive Brodie and Penny Murdie.
Dunbar Grammar School S2F 1960/61 (Maureen)
Top: James Tait, ---- McDonald, Kenneth Ness, Geoffrey Hitchcock, Alistair Kerr, Dougie McMinn, David Pettigrew and Howard Anderson.
Middle: Bobby Herring, James Field, Maureen Foggo, Beverley Sayer, Myra West, Alice Glass, Ann Black, Kenny O'Donnell and Jimmy Bain.
Bottom: Nancy Chapman, Violet Hannan, Anne Halliday, Lorna McCandlish, Helen Findlay, ingrid Peitch, June Hogg and Margaret Paterson.

Dunbar Primary School 4A 1962/63 (Caroline)
Top: David Henderson, Keith Davie, David Scott, Colin Glass, Richard McMullen, Gordon Ferguson.
Upper Middle: Simon Weeks, David Brunton, Fraser Dann, Iain Main, Anthony Macauley, Johnny McCandlish, Donald Glass, Miss E Whitecross.
Middle: Christopher Briggs, Christine Tait, Patricia Brunton, Carol Gillan, Anne Low, Lorena Jannetta, Graeme Waite.
Lower Middle: Caroline McIntyre, Julie Herring, Susan Christopher, Gail Mabberley, Seona Mason, Margaret Goring, Janice Flavel, Christina Anderson.
Bottom: Ronald Smith, Brian Herriot, Angus Roxburgh, Robert Gullan.

Dunbar Primary School P5A 1962-63
Top: Angus Shiels, Robert Hendrie, Andrew Thompson, David Hay, Gordon Smith, Hughie Smith, Peter Johnstone.
Upper Middle: Brian Peat, Austin Gourdie, Ian (Fatty) Wilcox, Alan Scambler, Ian Callow, Andrew Ashton, Thomas McMullen, Robin Dickson.
Lower Middle: Jennifer Smith, Chris Buglass, Elizabeth Reid, Elizabeth Tait, Shirley Smith, Anne Imrie, Kathleen Jenkins, Ann Wilson, Miss Grace Patterson.
Bottom: Catherine Lugton, Sandra Lough, Frances Kaszuba, Mary Neil, Alison Forbes, Michelle Vardy, Elaine Black.
Dunbar Primary School P5B 1962-63
Top: Alistair Laing, Philip Murray, Drew Hampshire, William Smail, Tommy Kay, Donald Young, Derek Shrive.
Upper Middle: Neil Wood, Malcolm Campbell, Robin Smith, William Shrive, Eddie McFarlane, ---- ----, Gordon Young.
Lower Middle: Keith Main, William Tevendale, Christine Gardiner, Patricia Shanley, Elaine Grieve, John McLean, Lex Horsburgh, Miss Priscilla Kinghorn.
Bottom: Emma Corrieri, Janice Bulloch, Alison White, Diana Seals, Helen Blanchard, Rita Chomiak, Annette Brunton, Brenda Dyer.

Dunbar Primary School P6A 1962/3 (Billy)
Top: Robert Brunton, Billy Turnbull, Jimmy Allan, Keith McCandlish, Peter Nicol, Michael Fallon.
Upper Middle: John Hutchison, John Willens, Robin Aitken, Norman Macphie, Billy Wilson, Kenneth Dickson.
Middle: Miss Jessie Gunn, Angela Herring, Maureen Lorimer, Marlene Hampshire, Sheila Macnamara, Elizabeth Fields, Davina Lorimer, Jaci Waite.
Lower Middle: Sheila Henderson, Kathleen Watson, Anne Herkes, Irene Hannan, Lyn Horsburgh, Noreen Gardner, Jackie Curran.
Bottom: Michael Obrzud, Richard Goring, David Barbour, Allan Johnstone, Jim Easingwood.

Dunbar Primary School P7A 1962/63 (Rob)
Top: Rob Bisset, Dave Woolf, Anne Low, Jane Innes, Ann Graham, Roland Chomiak and Donald Budge.
Upper Middle: Ann Smith, Joan Scambler, Eileen Johnstone, Barbara Gourdie, Evelyn Brodie, Catherine Bisset, Anne James and Ewan MacPherson.
Middle: Linda Sinclair, Kathleen Crow, Kate Alston, Agnes Ashton, Isobel Smith, Sheila McKenzie and Marilyn Hunter.
Bottom: Albert Liddle, Kevin Curran, Tommy Craig, Gordon Berrie, Ewen Watson, Graeme Thorburn, Colin Campbell and Alistair Erskine.

Dunbar Primary School Country Dance Team East Lothian Schools Cup 1962/63 (Rob)
Top: Miss Dorothy Purves and Miss Grace Paterson
Middle: Alastair Bulloch, Robert Darling, Tommy Craig and Rob Bisset.
Bottom: Mary Smith, Elizabeth Hitchcock, Linda Sinclair and Joan Scambler.

Top: Elizabeth Tear, Ann Graham, Catherine Bisset and Evelyn Brodie.
Bottom: Joan Scambler, Jane Innes and Sheila McKenzie.

Dunbar Primary School Football 1st XI 1962/63 (Donald)
Back L to R:- George Tait, Donald Budge, Ewen Watson, David Woolf, Colin Campbell, Alistair Bulloch, George Liddle.
Front L to R:- Alistair Erskine, Leslie Ward, Tommy Craig, Grahame Mercer, Kevin Curran.

Bottom: Linda Sinclair, Caroline Pott, Mrs Nobbs, Donald Budge and Rob Bisset.

Top: John Shaw, Robert Darling, Richard Melville, Jack Beattie, Barbara Muir, Susan Calton, David Melrose McLements, David Christopher, Ronnie Marr, Billy Kerr, Michael Blair.

Dunbar Grammar School S3C1 1962/63
Back row: Gordon Easingwood, George Huntly, John Punton, Tommy McKail, Gordon Laing, Robert Fairbairn, ? Leith, Ian Scott
Front row: Helen Herkes, Sandra Bisset, Marion Higgins, Elma Hadden, Lynda Dickson, Frances Young, Jean Chapman

Dunbar Grammar School 4th Commercial 1962/63 (Maureen)
Top: Billy Paterson. Alice Glass, Maureen Foggo, Beverley Sayer and Geoff Hitchcock.
Middle: Elspeth Catleugh, Myra West, June Hogg, Christine Murray, Joan Gourdie, Margaret Darling, Jane Robertson, Morag Cooper and Caroline Pott.
Bottom: Ingrid Pietsch, Ann Black, Sandra Jamieson, Lorna McCandlish, Heather Fell, Laura Corrieri, Greta Prince and Jane Newman.

Dunbar Primary School Netball Team (1963/64) (Jaci)
Top: Angela Herring, Jaci Waite, Moira Young and Christine McKail.
Bottom: Maureen Lorimer, Christine Gaffney, Moira Sayer, Annie Ritchie and Marlene Hampshire.

Dunbar Grammar School S1C1 1965/66 (Helen)
Top: James Hornby, Lindsay Miller, Alistair Allan Derek Shrive, Andrew Ashton, William Shrive and Donald Young.
Middle: George Thomson, Raymond Brunton, Raymond Peters, Alan Scambler, Shirley Smith, Ian Callow, Robert Thomson, Alistair Laing and Brian Torrance.
Bottom: Ann Cunningham, Helen Brown, Anona Selby, Alison Patterson, Isobel Wardrop, Ann Wilson and Jennifer Smith.
Dunbar Grammar School S2A 1965/66 (Billy)
Top: Billy Turnbull, Norman Macphie, Graham Mapes, Robin Aitken and Brian Cooper.
Middle: Lesley MacPherson, Noreen Gardner, Richard Goring, David Barbour, Peter Nicol, Kathleen Bryce and Davina Lorimer.

Dunbar Grammar School S2B 1965/66 (Kenneth)
Top: Kevin Curran, John Hutchison, John Willens, Tom Tait, John Winter, Kenneth Dickson, Jimmy Allan, Robert Smith, Allan Johnstone.
Middle: Jim Easingwood, Robert Glasgow, Eleanor Diamonds, Betty McManus, Jennifer Higgins, Marlene Hunter, Ann McKay, Carol Thorburn, Isobel Knox, Robert Darling, Michael Fallon.
Bottom: Anne Rarity, Jean Peat, Marlene Hampshire, Lyn Horsburgh, Rena Murray, Christine Glass, Anne Herkes, Fiona Lynas, Elizabeth Ainslie.

Top: Alan Dickson, Rob Bisset, Ewan MacPherson, Hamish Tulloch and Colin Campbell.
Middle: Linda Sinclair, Rena Smith, Elizabeth Davidson and Helen Hogg.
Bottom: Vera Sembay, Joan Scambler, Patricia Henson, Stella Macarthur, Evelyn Wilkinson and Lynda Butterworth.

Dunbar Grammar School S3B 1965/66
Top: Graeme Thorburn, Alistair Erskine, Richard Smeed, Donald Budge, Ian Fuller, Keith Baines, Albert Liddle, Iain Christison.
Middle: Gordon Berrie, Roland Chomiak, Richard McGill, Iain Macdonald, Ann Smith, Anne Porteous, Evelyn Brodie, Douglas Griffin, Kenneth Johnstone, Andrew Bain.
Bottom: Tommy Craig, Catherine Bisset, Isobel Smith, Ann James, Jane Innes, Kathleen Crow, Ann Morton Smith, Peter Melville.

Top: Ian Christison, Kit Newman, Rob Bisset, Willie Tevendale, Brian Houliston and Kevin Curran.
Bottom: Andrew Bain, Alastair Erskine, Colin Campbell, Lawrie Mullen and Tommy Craig.

Top: Grahame Douglas, Willie Innes, Tom Bruce, Jock Cowan and Donald Budge.
Middle: Jim Herring, Rob Bisset, Pete Ogdin, Ian McKane, Albert Liddle, Kit Newman and John Smith.
Bottom: Dave Curran, Lawrie Mullen, Ali Lorimer, Rob Brown and Campbell Berrie.

Dunbar Grammar School 6th Year 1966/67
Top: Nigel Marcel, David Curran, Jim Herring, Tom Bruce, Bruce Harris.
Middle: Dorothy Niddrie, Anne Ritchie, Marlyn Lorimer, Patricia Torrance, Sheila Tait, Liz Stewart, Margaret Paton.
Bottom: Jane Melville, Marjorie Souness, Valerie Gardener, Janette Brown, Yvette Henderson, Colina Ariss.

Top: Alastair Erskine, Keith Baines, Ewan MacPherson, Grahame Thorburn and Alan Dickson.
Middle: Hamish Tulloch, Roland Chomiak, Richard Smeed, Rob Bisset, Kenneth Johnstone and Richard McGill.
Bottom: Jane Innes, Anne James, Joan Scambler, Isobel Smith, Linda Sinclair, Vera Sembay, Stella McArthur and Helen Hogg.

Top: Billy Turnbull, Billy Wilson, Norman Macphie, Richard Smeed, Ewan MacPherson, John Hutchison, Graham Mapes, Ian Christison and Colin Campbell.
Bottom: Willie Innes, Kevin Curran, Peter Ogdin, Rob Bisset (Capt.), Tommy Bruce and Tom Tait.

Dunbar Grammar School 5th Year 1968/69 (Jaci)
Top: Kenneth Dickson, John Hutchison, Graham Mapes, Tom Tait, Norman Macphie, Mike Fallon, Roddy Vardy and Alan Johnstone.
Middle: Gordon Berrie, William Torrance, Rena Murray, Noreen Gardner, Lesley MacPherson, Jackie Curran, Fiona Lynas, Brian Cooper and David Barbour.
Bottom: Jennifer Johnstone, Davina Lorimer, Ruth Wardrop, Sheila Henderson, Anne Rarity, Jaci Waite, Joyce Fairbairn and Liz Field.

Top: Paul Hickman, Kevin Curran, Charlie Brown, Douglas Mullen, Rob Reid, Graham Mapes, Billy Wilson and Michael Obrzud.
Bottom: Lex Horsburgh, Tom Tait, Willie Tevendale, Rob Bisset (Capt.), Norman Macphie, Richard Smeed and John Hutchinson.

Hugh Cowan – A Pupil’s Perspective
Unfortunately for those in Dunbar primary and secondary schools, during the 50s and 60s and now in their late 60s and 70s, we must apologise for the intrusion of the former headmaster’s smiling image on the front row of the above school photograph. It does not become one to talk ill of the dead but in this case one could make an exception.
For some, usually the brighter and more privileged few and a minority of colluding staff members, he was more than a quite able administrator but for a large number of others he was seen as a sadistic bully whether you were good or bad. Even the most minor peccadillo, such as leaving a door ajar, might result in a malicious punishment from the former army officer and somewhile Assistant Director of Education for East Lothian.
One known example of our headmaster’s actions is that not only had he just administered a savage beating to two schoolboys (admittedly they had broken into the school but that was a police matter) he then paraded them to every class, in their beaten state, as an example to others.
Speaking from first-hand (usually belted) experience and oral contributions from a score of fellow students how our minds and bodies (never mind in short trousers) survived his frightening reign of nearly a decade one can only speculate. It is tempting to imagine that if we had been brave enough to stand up to this sadist then, perhaps with our disbelieving guardian’s help, we could have ferried him down the School Brae and after exacting similar measure of the punishment he’d meted out – to bairns and adolescents alike - as retribution, we’d deposit him - complete with attached tawse - on the seaward side of the Woodbush launchway.
At least Messrs Muir, Macphie et al and to a lesser extent MacAuley honestly endeavoured to educate us properly, without any undue recourse to capital punishment.
One of his sole redeeming features was his judgement on Ena Murray whom he described as the best teacher he had ever known. This was certainly true as, in the writer’s opinion, the only primary school teacher who could possibly lace her shoes was John Ness of Innerwick.
John Muir’s tenure (he succeeded Mr Cowan, MBE) heralded a happier era with more than a shaft of sunlight replete with fairness at the new school on Sailor’s Park. Although there was something of the night about him, he was like a white knight bringing brighter dawn to the cowed, crepuscular creatures under the supposedly Minervan shield of his two predecessors.
Finally, in education over the past half a century, we seem to have gone in opposite directions apropos discipline. Fifty years ago, pupils were feared of their teachers but usually respected them. Now it would seem that the pedagogues are feared of their pupils. This, coupled with the fact that there are so few tools left, detention apart, in the scholastic disciplinary box, metaphorically speaking, and the teachers’ hands are now the ones tied, there is not much to facilitate the smooth running of the school machine. The educators are stuck between Scylla and Charybdis or in a Helleresque position with no classic(s) masters to aid them in remedying certain situations. Therefore, perhaps a return to the dark post-war days with a far lesser degree of corporal punishment might help ease the teachers’ frustration and teach errant pupils, where necessary and justified, the error of their ways.
However, we are not here to opine, judge or advise but merely to report and record historical facts.
The Dominie’s Happy Lot – Walter Wingate
The Dominie is growing grey,
And feth he’s keepit thrang
Wi’ counts and spellin’ a’ the day,
And liffies when they’re wrang.
He dauners oot at nine o’clock,
He dauners hame at fow'r
Fae twal to ane to eat an’ smoke
And sae his day is owre!
Thrang = bustling
Liffies = smacks on the hand

Dunbar Primary School Staff 1962/63 (Ishbel)
Top: Mrs Aitchison, Mrs Ethel Smith, Miss E Whitecross, Miss E Reid, Miss G Patterson, Miss D Purves, Miss P Kinghorn, Mrs M Wright.
Bottom: Miss J Myles, Miss J Gunn, Miss J Duncanson, Mr T Goring, Mr J Muir, Miss J Tinning, Miss E Fraser, Mrs J Macleod, Miss I Peebles.