The Comptrollers of A1 History Dunbar are delighted that we have been granted an opportunity to open an archive comprising the Stark family's photographs.
These images give a tantalising glimpse of life in and around Dunbar's 'Priory' in the first half of the twentieth century.
Peggy Brown, Ollie Pott and Nettie Stark
Colin Stark, Nettie Stark and Ollie Pott
Colin Stark, Peggy Brown and Ollie Pott
Colin Stark in 1916
Please note there are other portrayals of Colin spaced through this archive.
Jack Stark, Alison Murdoch (on his right) and Nettie Stark behind him.
Mrs J.B Stark at Lerwick (May 1934)
Some "photographs" from this archive have been displayed in other sections e.g. schools and Photos1 but Stark has been parenthesised beneath the images.
Below is a recent article about The Priory, from Listed Heritage magazine.
Below are a couple of recent photos of The Priory
As mentioned in the above magazine article, David Livingston Bowe had the Priory built for himself in 1910. He is seen in the Bowe family tree below, in the
third line down. Please click on the pdf link underneath for a clearer view of the family tree. You will need Acrobat Reader or equivalent to open the pdf file.